
Study in the USA - a guide for international students

Study in the USA
Study in the USA - a guide for international students
 Is Studying in The United States Something You Been Contemplating Forever?
We can help you with that!
Unlike the overwhelming number of abroad study consulting agencies that flood the internet or our cities, using all sorts of analyses, our experts go out of their way to make sure you make the best of this opportunity so that upon completion of your studies in the USA, a bright future awaits you.

One thing Americans pride themselves over is the United States is the one country of the world where you can literally become anything you want. Hundreds of American universities are among the best in the world – the flexibility of programs offered is amazing - If you are ambitious and above all can pay for out of pocket for your studies, USA is THE destination for you. There are “study for free” options (through scholarships) in the USA as well.

Here are some other facts that may also interest you:
    Entrance in American vocational and some non-vocational schools is competitive; admission tests/entance exams are often required, but do you know that on a case by case basis these can be waiver?
    Admission to some of the top American institutions is increasingly being made easier for those who are able to pay for their studies out of pocket. Why should you care? Well when comes to knocking at the doors of the job market having attended a famous institution becomes a huge asset.
    If you had big dreams all your life, regardless of your age and current social status setting sail toward the USA might mark a turning point in your life. I love the flexibility of the American system - do you know for example that there are MBA with specializations in almost all fields of study in America? Who could dream of a better gateway into the world of business

        You be the judge, you have things like:

        MBA in:
        Arts and cultural management
        Aviation management
        Economics/finance/banking/accounting /business administration/human resources
        Electronic commerce
        Engineering management
        Hospitality management
        Computer-Human interaction
        Industrial and labor relations
        Industrial and manufacturing management
        International affairs//development management/logistics/marketing/ trade ,
        Management of technology
        Marketing, marketing research
        Mineral economics
        Nonprofit management
        Pharmaceutical administration
        Real estate
        Speech and interpersonal communication
        Statistics (math)
        In this day and age when starting one’s own company, sooner rather than later is the way to go, can you think of any better way to enter the buisness world whatever your background?
All sorts of info regarding studies in The USA are provided below; before that, here’s an important parenthesis.
 When it comes to going to the USA for your studies, there's two ways to go about it:
(1) Paying everything out of pocket.
(2) Applying for a scholarship.
Whichever option you choose, avoid the mistake committed by thousands of African students each year: "traveling for the sake of traveling" – you need to put a lot of thought into what brings you to The United States.